Scoreboard Task Integrations
Scoreboard integrates with Google and Microsoft’s task management tools. These integrations allow you keep your Scoreboard Tasks, including names, due dates, notes and status, in sync with with Google Tasks and Office 365 Outlook Tasks. By syncing your Tasks, you will minimize double entry between tools and fit Scoreboard’s goal management features more easily into your existing workflow.
1. Hover over or tap on your profile picture and then select “Profile”.

2. On your User Profile page, select “Task Integrations”.

3. Select “Align Google Task”

4. Click “Connect to Google Tasks” on the next screen:

5. Follow the prompts in the pop-up to sign in to your account

6. After going back to the Manage Tasks Integration page. Align Google Task will now be shown as “Connected”.

7. Scoreboard Tasks synced with Google Tasks will appear in a Google Tasks List. To choose the List, add a Sync Category in Scoreboard.
Tasks created within Scoreboard will be given the default Sync Category you select in this step. The name of the Sync Category should correspond to the List in Google.
Click “Create Category”.

8. Enter the Category Name, select your Company and check “Make Default”.

9. If you haven’t already, create the List in Google Tasks to match the Scoreboard Sync Category.
In your Gmail account, select the Tasks icon on the right panel.

Click on the dropdown arrow and select “Create new list”.

Name the list and select Done.

You are now ready to sync your Scoreboard Tasks with Google Tasks!
When a new Task is created in Scoreboard, it will appear in the designated List in Google Tasks by default.
When a new Task is created in the designated List in Google Tasks, it will appear in Scoreboard. Note that Tasks created in Google Tasks may take up to 5 minutes to appear in Scoreboard.
1. Hover over or tap on your profile picture and then select “Profile”.

2. On your User Profile page, select “Task Integrations”.

3. Select “Align Office365 Task”

4. Click “Connect to Office 365” on the next screen:

5. Follow the prompts in the pop-up to sign in to your account

6. After going back to the Manage Tasks Integration page. Align Office365 Task will now be shown as “Connected”.

7. Scoreboard Tasks synced with Outlook Tasks will be flagged with an Outlook Tasks Category. To choose the Category, add a Sync Category in Scoreboard.
Tasks created within Scoreboard will be given the default Sync Category you select in this step. The name of the Sync Category should correspond to the Category in Outlook.
Click “Create Category”.

8. Enter the Category Name, select your Company and check “Make Default”.

9. If you haven’t already, create the Category in Outlook Tasks to match the Scoreboard Sync Category.
If you manage your Tasks from the Outlook Tasks Web App
In your Outlook account, select the Tasks icon from the Apps section.

If you are currently using the Microsoft To-Dos Web App, you’ll need to switch to Outlook Tasks to sync categories. From within To-Dos, you can do that by clicking this button:

On the top toolbar, select Categories and then Manage categories

Select Add new category

Name the category and select OK

You are now ready to sync your Scoreboard Tasks with Outlook Tasks!
When a new Task is created in Scoreboard, it will be given the designated Category in Outlook Tasks by default.
When a new Task is created with the designated Category in Outlook Tasks, it will appear in Scoreboard. To categorize a Task, select from the “Categories” dropdown while editing a Task:

If you manage your Tasks from the Outlook Mail Desktop Client
On the top toolbar, select Categorize and then Edit Categories

Select the “+” icon

Name the category and select Add

You are now ready to sync your Scoreboard Tasks with Outlook Tasks!
When a new Task is created in Scoreboard, it will be given the designated Category in Outlook Tasks by default.
When a new Task is created with the designated Category in Outlook Tasks, it will appear in Scoreboard. To categorize a Task, select from the “Categorize” dropdown while creating a Task: